Our users are fantastic. They often contact us for all sorts of reasons. They think up new comments and features they'd like to see in GradeAssist. Every so often they suggest revisions to existing comments. And sometimes they simply let us know how GradeAssist has helped them grade faster and better, bringing positive change to their lives and their students' education.
Our users are in the classroom and dealing with students on a daily basis. They're also on the front line when it comes to helping their students develop top-notch critical thinking and writing skills. So when our users have something in mind that they'd like to share, we're here to listen.
Here's how you can reach us: |
304 Robin Drive
Lynchburg, VA 24502
434.841.5836 | Individual Sales
434.841.5836 | Institutional Sales
202.318.4051 | Fax

Semester Evaluation |
Departments and schools are welcome to try GradeAssist for one academic semester. As many users as you'd like. 100% free. |
Grad Student Pricing |
We're happy to extend special licensing opportunities for currently-enrolled graduate students. |

Version 3.9 Released |
Learn about the new release of GradeAssist, including the exciting Custom Comments feature. |
